ArcticMUD Clients
The ArcticMUD staff has created a small set of client configurations for new and returning players. Long-time players have found useful items in the packages as well, so please try them for yourself.
All client settings are 'rule friendly' and may be updated periodically. Please continue to check for the latest releases.
Questions about setup and scripting can be asked in the Offical Arctic Discord "#client-assistance" channel.
Download the latest JMC client release: JMC releases
Download the ArcticMUD client configurations: ArcticMUD JMC Client
Detailed setup instructions: ArcticMUD JMC Client Setup
Download the latest TinTin++/WinTin++ MUD client: TinTin++/WinTin++ releases
Download the ArcticMUD client configurations: ArcticMUD Tintin++/Wintin++ Client
Detailed setup instructions: ArcticMUD Tintin++/Wintin++ Client Setup
Within these packages you will find useful highlights, triggers, and substitutions to help you on your Arctic adventure. Since playing 2 characters at one-time is allowed, there is support for controlling both or only your second character built into the scripts.